Introducing Campaigns

Date: 2022-04-11

'Ola Everyone,

Is it just me, or has this year just flown by? It's already the middle of April... anyway, work continues in earnest to get our web application up to full spec. The goal, for those who may not yet know, is to get the web app in position to consolodate all of our admin tools into one central location. With the initial release of the website we moved our slotting process from WhatsApp and Discord to the web application - and that was wildly successful in removing a ton of admin time each week that went towards the slotting process. A chunk of development time since then has been spent refining that process, to make it simpler to use and more intuitive for the users - all of this culminating in the "quick join" and "quick nay" links, which allow users to quickly "yay" or "nay" with a button press. Lastly, we made some infrastructure changes such as moving over to our new domain: 

With these goals having been accomplished, it was time to set our sights on a new objective, bringing over our stats management system from the google sheets (that we've been using to manage stats for the past 4-and-a-bit years) document. In order to accomplish this in a readable and logically associated way, the concept of a "Campaign" was settled on. A Campaign, in the Arma sense, is a group of missions following a loose or fixed storyline branching one theatre or narrative. Given this understanding of a campaign, it makes sense that stats would be grouped and analysed at this level. The only exception to the rule in this case is a view of stats at a "year" level, as a opposed to the Campaign level, this exception will be catered for (but not just yet).


The stats themselves are represented as raw values, with some comparisons for the sake of putting them into context.

With some stats being represented graphically [1] for ease of view and understanding. Obviously, we'll be fiddling with these sections a lot until we're happy with them. So stay tuned to see how the updates shake out ;)

That's all the rambling you're going to get out of me today. I encourage everybody to head over to Campaigns take a look around, try break some stuff... and let me know what you think?

Keep SAEF,

[1] From a technical standpoint, we're using CanvasJS as a trial for graphical representation, but we'll likely re-evaluate this choice with time.