D-Day + 5

Date: 2022-11-17
Main Start: 20:00 UTC +2
Mod-Set: Historic

Operation Overlord Day 5. US Rangers - Hill 93 - June 1944. Normandy, France


OPERARTION OVERLOAD is in full swing. Combined allied forces have landed in France. With the Beachheads consolidated - Now begins the push inland for the liberation of Europe.

SAEF will be filling in as Rangers of the US 2nd Ranger Battalion. With more and more men and supplies coming ashore each day - We are well equipped and supplied for the fights ahead.


US Rangers lead way up Hill 93 - Just south west of Neaville it has been setup as an armored strongpoint by the germans, to slow our advances inland

1. Destroy the 3x hull down Tiger tanks positioned on Hill 93 (they have been firing onto friendly forces in the Southern regions of Neaville town.

2. Clear and capture the hilltop.

3. Clear any secondary/support positions around the hilltop.

US Rangers

Assault Team

Team Lead

MG Team

Team Lead
MG Gunner
MG Assistant

Mortar Team

Team Lead
Assistant Mortarman

AT Gun Crew

Team Lead
AT Gun Crewman
AT Gun Crewman

Bazooka Team

Team Lead
AT Rifleman
AT Rifleman

Tank Crew

Tank Commander
Driver (AI)
Gunner (AI)


Reserve Rifleman
Reserve Rifleman
Reserve Rifleman
Reserve Medic
Reserve Medic
Reserve Medic

